

Despite last season's difficult, we had received beautiful visual testimonies. This year, We hope that everyone will enjoy your boat and that you will have extraordinary experiences aboard your Fountaine Pajot catamaran..

For this fourth edition of the contest Photographs, We reserve you increasingly attractive prizes and propose more open topics. And for this edition 2021 we want more interactive than ever, both video testimonials and photos will be rewarded.

This year, we are pleased to organize this contest with a new partner, Magazine Multihulls World, who will pass on the information and offer subscriptions to the winners.

How to take part?

You own or rent a Fountaine Pajot catamaran, participate in the contest #MyBoatAndI2021. Between 15 July and 30 September 2021, Share your best photos and video testimonials on Instagram at #MyBoatAndI2021 tagging @fountainepajot or by sharing them directly on the Fountaine Pajot Yacht Club.

What awards? What categories?

For this edition your photographs will be rewarded according to 4 categories:

  • Environment,
  • Emotion,
  • Funding,
  • Navigation.

NOVELTY : Share your best stories through a video testimonial. Record yourself and your crew aboard your Fountaine Pajot catamaran and take a video * of less than two minutes maximum illustrating your best experiences based on the topics below.

Video testimonials will be rewarded based on 2 categories:

  • Story of the most beautiful navigation
  • Account of the best moments of exchange in crew

*High definition video and good sound quality are preferable. Feel free to reinforce your words with illustrative images.

What are the lots that can be won?

  • Garmin Awards
  • Subscriptions to Multihulls World magazine
  • Fountaine Pajot Treats

What happens to the use of my photographs during the contest?

By posting your content on # MyBoatAndI2021, authorizes Fountaine Pajot to disseminate and share them within the framework of the contest and its communication.

When will the results of the contest be announced??

The winners of each category will be revealed at the end of September. You will receive a message informing you of the prize that has been won. Rewards will be mailed to the address you provide.


To see the winners of the previous year again, Click here.